Mark Gaffney

Mark Gaffney is a well-known lifelong resident of Woburn, longtime local business and property owner and Alderman of the Ward 3 neighborhood where he has lived most of his life.

Mark, whose parents are also lifelong Woburn residents, grew up in Woburn’s Ward 3 with his parents and four brothers. He graduated from Woburn High School, and earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

Mark Gaffney’s area of expertise is the commercial real estate market—a [...]

Mark Gaffney is a well-known lifelong resident of Woburn, longtime local business and property owner and Alderman of the Ward 3 neighborhood where he has lived most of his life.

Mark, whose parents are also lifelong Woburn residents, grew up in Woburn’s Ward 3 with his parents and four brothers. He graduated from Woburn High School, and earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

Mark Gaffney’s area of expertise is the commercial real estate market—a natural focus for Mark, who along with his brother Keith Gaffney have over the last 31 years built a respected and successful business of Gaffney Sign Company. Gaffney Sign, makers of intricate, custom wood-carved and other types of signs, banners and truck lettering, has over that time earned the reputation of being a good friend to the community, particularly local civic organizations.

Mark says he has always wanted to work in the real estate business, but it was only recently that the opportunity to blend the elements of business success, local pride, property ownership, and community service took on the right timing.

Mark is well respected in this area as a longtime local business owner. His understanding of the needs of local businesses—along with his knowledge of the area and local government—will serve prospective business buyers and renters well.

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